About Us

About Us

Welcome to Humble Beginnings! We are a business created from three small businesses. Tami, Jaimi, and Mindy are a mother-daughters group that come together for craft and vendor shows under one company, Humble Beginnings. 
***Tami Hartwig is the mother of Jaimi and Mindy as well as is the owner of Mulberry Roots. Mulberry Roots has delicious dip and oil kits individually packaged to meet your needs. Tami also dabbles in various sewing creations including receiving blankets for your precious newborns. Tami's company name signifies the street her parents lived on in the later years of their life and where she has several core memories. 
***Jaimi Jenkins is the creator and owner of Sly Foxx Designs. This is a small business that excels in making apparel, hand painted porch leaners, and shadow boxes. Jaimi created her business name with her grandpa in mind. Jaimi's grandpa, Don, loved to hunt fox in his younger years and had a fond fascination for them throughout his life. 
***Mindy Gorman is the creator and owner of Cardinal Creations. Mindy has a wide variety of items including sewing and crochet items. Most well known for her hanging towels and unique crocheted matching game. The significance of Cardinals comes from her grandparents belief that when a Cardinal appears, someone from heaven is coming to visit you. Cardinals are also her grandma, Sharon's, favorite bird. 
Each business name has a significant connection to Don and Sharon Crouse, the parents of Tami (grandparents to Jaimi and Mindy). Unfortunately, Don and Sharon Crouse passed away at the ends of 2021 and 2022. Don and Sharon were the foundation of the Crouse Family. They supported Tami, Jaimi, and Mindy's business adventures and them in all avenues of life. Because of their love and support, Tami, Jaimi, and Mindy thought it was important for them to incorporate their parents (grandparents) memory into their business names with a unique nod. 
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